Ernesto Viscarra Riveros

Head of Research


He is an economist from Universidad Católica Boliviana, with several postgraduate courses in natural resources management from Salzburg University in Austria, University of Sassari in Italy, Yale University in USA, among others. He completed his PhD in Science and Management of Climate Change in the Economics Department of Ca´Foscari University of Venice in Italy. He worked as an environmental economist dealing with agriculture, forests and climate change issues in different Institutions and countries, such as the German Technical Cooperation in Bolivia (GIZ), Fundación Amigos de la Naturaleza in Bolivia, Superintendencia Forestal in Bolivia, COMIFAC in Cameroon, Geografía Urbana in Colombia and GFA Hamburg Consulting Group and Ministry of Environment in Perú. In the last 5 years, he has been working as the Head of Research and Entrepreneurship at UTEPSA University in Bolivia, where he coordinates and administrates all the research and entrepreneur projects of the different faculties. During this time, he has won several prizes related to research, innovation and entrepreneurship, such as the Central Bank of Bolivia, the American Embassy of the United States in Bolivia, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean of the United Nations (ECLAC) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).


  • Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
  • Sustainable Entrepreneurship
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • Bridging the Gap between Science and Policy Making
  • Triple Helix Collaboration