What is it?

The Global 1st Penguin Club (G1PEC) is a networking platform focused on fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as strengthening international cooperation.

The core of our activities focus on three main topics:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Triple Helix collaboration
  • The Sustainable Development Goals of the UN


Penguins act collectively. In the face of adversity and harsh conditions, the first penguin is the one that  jumps and dives first, to prove that is safe and there is food… regardless of the outcome, the fate of others depends on the willingness to jump.”


How we started

Hiroshima University (HU) has already had an academic activity called the 1st Penguin Club, in which students received mentoring to develop entrepreneurial skills.

In 2017, HU and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) started a friendly round of pitches online. The objective then was to develop the internationalization and language skills of the students, and, the exchange of experiences about entrepreneurship between universities.

After two editions, other Latin American universities joined the network creating an interesting experience for both, the entrepreneurs and the mentors.
Currently, the involved institutions are:

G1PEC logo

  • Hiroshima University (HU)
  • National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
  • National University of Colombia (UNAL)
  • National University of San Marcos (UNMSM)
  • Private Technological University of Santa Cruz de la Sierra (UTEPSA)

Nowadays, we developed not only a valuable educational tool and a good example of collaboration between universities, but also we have started to dream! Dreaming that the pitch event would turn into an international competition, and the G1PEC network will evolve into a linking platform between academia, investors, and industry around the world.

Team Members

Specialists in innovation, business, and entrepreneurship from five different countries lead the activities of the network. They are voices of their institutions and coordinate an effort to create an international innovation ecosystem.

“ Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is a progress, working together is a success

Henry Ford

Naotaka Hirami
Hiroshima University, Japan
Member, founder of the network
Innovation Analyst & Researcher


What we do

Our current activities are performed at the regional and international level, and include:

  • The pitch round that runs twice per year
  • Promote and support events of entrepreneurial education
  • Networking with industries to promote Triple Helix activities
  • Promote the creation of new startups from the academic community



The covered topics are diverse but the willingness to create something useful and new is the same. Some of the topics covered in past editions are:

  • Tourist virtual guide based on augmented reality technologies.
  • Focused and innovative educational and coaching platforms
  • Useful design of furniture
  • Medical-pharmaceutical concierge service