G1PEC 4th pitch round

Shooting for the stars

April 25th, 2019

The five universities in the network: HU, UNAM, UNAL, UNMSM, and UTEPSA, attended this session. However, only three of them pitched their business idea.

The fields covered were diverse; for example, we had a project related to the spread of Japanese culture in Chile through cultural activities, a personalized English teaching method, and even a water power prototype! Each entrepreneur received final feedback from the organizers, to motivate them, and foster the realization of their projects.

We are looking forward to developing this network, focusing on the participation of the three spheres; academia, industry, and government. In this sense, in March 2019, an International Triple Helix Seminar was performed in Mexico by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and Hiroshima University, you could find more information on the news section.

“If the seed is sown with faith and taken care of with perseverance, it will only be a matter of time to reap its fruits.”

Thomas Carlyle