International Triple Helix Seminar: Food Industry.

Through the collaboration with the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), in March of this year (2019), the International Triple Helix Seminar was executed in Mexico city.

The intent of this seminar was to promote the dialog between the principal actors of the Triple Helix, related to the Food Industry, to let them exchange the challenges and opportunities that this sector has in both regional and international contexts.  

The participation of several professors from the UNAM and the Hiroshima University with the presentation of different subjects about food advances and innovations was valuable to concrete strategies to link both universities with the productive and governmental sectors.

Some of the topics presented during the seminar were about recombinant bacteriocins and its applications in the food industry, microbiology, genetic resources, triple helix collaboration, the strength of the food industry ecosystem and more.

The long-term objective is to establish an international network which contributes to the regional development, and competitiveness.

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