Eduardo Urzúa Fernández

Director of Incubators and Technology Parks


Completed his Bachelor degree in Chemistry at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and two Master degrees one in Sustainable Energy Technology and another in Science Education and Communication at the Technical University of Delft in the Netherlands. He was introduced to the start-up world through his work at The Waste Transformers, an energy start-up in the Netherlands. After returning to Mexico he started his own solar energy company.

Eventually, he joined the Innovation and Development Vice-presidency at UNAM as project leader, he developed an entrepreneurship workshop which has now become the InnovaUNAM Entrepreneurship Workshop. He has given to more than 30 groups this workshop and worked with more than 500 entrepreneurs. He is now Entrepreneurship Coordinator at UNAM, and he is responsible for workshops, lectures, online courses, and other early-stage entrepreneurship activities at UNAM.


  • Entrepreneurship
  • Start-up and Corporate Innovation
  • Creativity
  • Renewable Energy
  • Science Communication
  • Food Tech