The Ambassador of Mexico in Japan Melba Pría Olavarrieta met with members of the Global Innovation Division during her visit to Hiroshima University

The Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the United Mexican States in Japan Ms. Melba María Pría Olavarrieta, and the representative of the Ministry of Economy and Economic Development of Guanajuato Mr. Rodolfo González visited Hiroshima University (HU) campus Higashi-Hiroshima on July 9th. During their visit, they met with some members of the Global Innovation Division, Center for Collaborative Research and Community Cooperation.

Prof. Naotaka Hirami manager of the department, briefly highlighted the activities carried out to strengthen the Mexico-Hiroshima relationship. Among the discussed topics are: the collaboration agreements with Mexican universities, the 3rd Rectors Summit (2017) that took place in Hiroshima city; the triple helix seminars organized in conjunction with the UNAM and the University of Guanajuato in March, and the collaboration network with Latin America that has been established through the Global 1st Penguin Club (G1PEC). Likewise, the Mexico-Japan Strategic Partnership Program that HU has with JICA was mentioned. This year the program received five Mexican trainees who are investigating some innovation ecosystems in the region.

At the end of the session, the ambassador expressed her willingness to help us communicate with Mexican universities.


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    Prof. N. Hirami welcomes the Ambassador Melba Pría.                                  Mr. R. Gónzalez (left), Prof. N. Hirami (center left) and Ambassador

                                                                                                                                             M. Pría (center right) with JICA’s trainees.