G1PEC 6th pitch round

Entrepreneurship in times of pandemic

June 12th, 2020

Despite the global situation,  we gathered online to hold the sixth round of G1PEC pitches. This session was particularly special because it focused on a common theme, and we had an audience. In addition to the entrepreneurs and the committee, around ten other people watched the transmission online, mainly students from Latin America. 

During the event, the entrepreneurs presented five ideas to solve some of the problems caused by COVID-19. The proposals covered several fields, from the creation of a new medicine based in a plant compound (UNMSM-Peru) to creating a network for the digital transformation of enterprises (UNAM-Mexico). Find the list of participants here.

The experience was enriching since we could exchange perspectives about a situation that affects everyone, but it is lived differently in each country.

We expect the communication between the entrepreneurs will consolidate through social networks and to have more public in the next session, planned by the end of this year.

“Instead of freaking out about these constraints, embrace them. Let them guide you…”

Basecamp (37 Signals)