G1PEC 2nd pitch round

Step by step, learning in the process
March 22nd, 2018

  • G1PEC 2nd pitch round

This session was part of the Global Innovation Week that took place at the HU facilities from March 19th to 23rd. We invited representatives from four Latin American universities to learn about the innovation ecosystem in Hiroshima during this event.

The format of the event was similar to the previous session: three entrepreneurs from UNAM and three from HU pitched (online and in English). However, this time they received comments from five experts: Prof. Hirami (HU), Prof. Urzua (UNAM, Mexico), Prof. Rodriguez (UNAL, Colombia), Prof. Zamudio (UNMSM, Peru) and Prof. Viscarra (UTEPSA, Bolivia).

The diversity of this edition was productive, helping us to review the dynamic of the event. Moreover, this was the first official gather of the current members, and new ideas and perspectives emerged.

Altogether, this marks the starting point of the G1PEC as a network.