The University of Hiroshima attended the 4th Mexico-Japan Rectors Summit

The 4th Mexico-Japan Rectors Summit was held on September 9 and 10, 2019 in Mexico City, with the participation of 23 universities from Japan and 38 from Mexico.The first day of the event was held at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), and the second day it was moved to the facilities of The College of Mexico (COLMEX).

The opening ceremony was attended by the Secretary of Foreign Relations of Mexico, Marcelo Ebrard, and the Undersecretary of Higher Education, Juan Pablo Arroyo. From the University of Hiroshima,  President Mitsuo Ochi, Executive Vice President Toshiyuki Sato, and Professor with special assignment, Naotaka Hirami attended the event.

After the opening, four sessions were held entitled “Society 5.0”, “The role of universities towards sustainability”, “Dangers and risks related to natural phenomena” and “The future of universities”, where the representatives of the Universities from both countries presented the efforts made.

The universities of both countries jointly declared their intention to expand the academic exchange between both countries. The next Japan-Mexico Rectors Summit is scheduled to take place in Japan.


“President Ochi giving his speech at the opening ceremony”

“Commemorative Photo”


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