
An annual event took place in Mexico City and Guanajuato with Mexican universities (before the COVID-19 restriction)

Early March this year, the global collaboration team visited Mexico. One of the purposes was to start activities at the new HU  office at a UNAM facility called CRAI. On March 10th, an event called “Open Office” was held, with around twenty undergraduate students participated in the explanation of the …

The JICA Japan-Mexico Training Program for the Strategic Global Partnership conclude

December 3rd,2019. The JICA Japan-Mexico Training Program for the Strategic Global Partnership in its second version conclude. The program was commissioned to Hiroshima University by JICA Chugoku, and was implemented by the specially appointed Professor Hirami. The theme is “Startup Creation and Innovation Ecosystem Development” and was performed from May …

G1Pec members participated in the “BUSINESS, SOCIAL TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCES – JETS” organized by the UEPTA in Bolivia.

The “BUSINESS, SOCIAL TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCES – JETS”;  took place in Bolivia from August 19 to 24, 2019, with the organization of the Private Technological University of Santa Cruz – UTEPSA. JETS is an annual event of international scope, which promotes activities for the integral formation of the community, through various …

G1PEC 4th pitch round

Shooting for the stars April 25th, 2019 The five universities in the network: HU, UNAM, UNAL, UNMSM, and UTEPSA, attended this session. However, only three of them pitched their business idea. The fields covered were diverse; for example, we had a project related to the spread of Japanese culture in …